Wednesday, October 3, 2007

JoyfulSleep SimplySleep Blog Launch

Like many people, I've struggled with sleep for most of my life. At times it's become an obsession. I've worried about it, counted the hours I slept, counted the hours I didn’t sleep. I've tried all kinds of things to improve the quality of my sleep, some have worked really well, some haven't worked at all.

I started this blog about all things sleep for many reasons. To be a place for people to access useful and credible information about sleep and how to improve the quality of their sleep. To find resources you can use to know if you may have a sleep disorder. To share information with fellow sleep-obsessers about what works and what doesn't and why. To to provide information on natural remedies for sleep problems. To share quality information about dreams and dreaming. And to be a place tell your own sleep stories.

In the coming weeks I will be posting on all kinds of sleep related topics. I invite you to join me on this journey -- my first foray into the blogosphere -- and make it a rich and interactive one for all.

After all, a day well lived deserves a joyful sleep.

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