Winkin, Blinkin and Nod. Remember that nursery rhyme? About the misty sea, nets of silver and gold, twinkling foam of the sea, rivers of crystal light? It just takes a wink and a nod and you'll be off to sleep with Bucky's light-as-sea-foam mask.
40 Blinks is the name of Bucky's ultra lightweight premium quality foam mask. You can use it to darken the room while sleeping, or to get a quick catnap. It's also great to use while snoozing on the plane.
Talk about great colors -- it comes in some really upbeat colors like fuschia and ebony, which is actually a black and white floral pattern. It also comes in basic black, always a classic choice.
You'll love how light it is on your face. It's contoured so it doesn't even touch your eyes.
Enjoy the full rhyme Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod. It may well take you way back, as it did me, to that time when sleep came as easily as counting to three.
40 Blinks is the name of Bucky's ultra lightweight premium quality foam mask. You can use it to darken the room while sleeping, or to get a quick catnap. It's also great to use while snoozing on the plane.
Talk about great colors -- it comes in some really upbeat colors like fuschia and ebony, which is actually a black and white floral pattern. It also comes in basic black, always a classic choice.
You'll love how light it is on your face. It's contoured so it doesn't even touch your eyes.
Enjoy the full rhyme Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod. It may well take you way back, as it did me, to that time when sleep came as easily as counting to three.
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