By far the one thing that's made the most difference in the quality of my sleep has been using a sleep mask. I'm still amazed at how fast I fall asleep when I slip that soft little sleep mask over my eyes.
It used to be that my husband had to turn out the lights at the same time I did, or else go to bed hours later, so that he wouldn't disturb my sleep. If I had to get up especially early, I'd make him sleep on the guest bed so that he wouldn't wake me up when he came into bed. I've been such a neurotic sleeper over the years!! But that one simple improvement, the padded, completely light blocking sleep mask has been enormously successful in allowing me to get a good night's sleep. These days my husband can read for as long as he wants after I've fallen asleep. Or he can come into bed, turn on the light, rustle around in the bedroom, and I don't wake up!!!
Exercise is the second greatest tool in my sleep kit. Most of our days are activity filled to be sure, but often contain precious little demanding physical activity. You have to get your body tired too, and the only way to do that is through exercise. People often tell me that they don't have time to exercise. I always wonder how they have time NOT to exercise. To quote one of my favorite books, "The Seven Habits of Higthly Effective People, exercise is one of those highly leveraged, "Quadrant II" activities. In Covey's words,
"What one thing could you do in your personal and professional life that, if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? Quadrant II activities have that kind of impact. Our effectiveness takes quantum leaps when we do them."