Saturday, December 29, 2012

Simply Sleep, or not?

I recently came across an article about how simple sleep used to be. When the sun went down it was time for us humans to wind down as well. It was too cold, dark or dangerous to be anywhere except bundled up in front of blazing fire or nestled in a warm cozy bed. 

Fast forward to 17th century Paris when, so fitting for the often called City of Light, the nighttime streets were first lit up by wax candles in glass lamps.  Night and day have become more and more indistinguishable ever since.  I found this article particularly interesting given that my own sleep struggles nearly disappeared when I first discovered sleep masks to keep the light from the streetlight in front of our house from coming in our bedroom window.

It is true that there are many things in modern life that prevent a shining bright line between night and day: homework, soccer practice, reruns of Two and a Half Men, endless tinkering on the computer or other electronic (read: light enhanced) gadgets, and the list goes on.

But getting back to the question of is sleep a simple thing or not, it’s also pretty clear that the list of often quoted sleep tips is actually pretty simple: sipping herbal tea rather than caffeinated beverages in the evening, getting physically tired by exercising more during the day, making sure your bedroom is cool enough for sleep, and sticking to a regular sleep routine. Short, 30 minute naps have also been shown by sleep research to increase alertness, memory and job performance.

But at the top of that sleep tip list for me is blocking out all light in my bedroom with a Bucky sleep mask. It doesn’t even matter if there is light on in the room, as long as I have my sleep mask I fall asleep like a charm every single night.

And that is something to be joyful about, whether it’s simple or not.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Top 10 Sleep Movies


In an earlier post I wrote about sleep poems, so I thought it might be fun to do a follow on post on popular movies about sleep.  The next time you're awake at 2:00 in the morning, flip on one of these movies:

1. Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
Tagline: What if someone you never met, someone  you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?

Starring: Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Bill Pullman, Rosie O’Donnell
Length: 105 minutes

2. Sleep No More (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) (1956)
Tagline: There was nothing to hold onto -- except each other.

Length: 80 minutes

3. Insomnia (2002)
Tagline: Don’t close your eyes. Starring: Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Hilary Swank
Length: 118 minutes

4. Sleeper (1973)
Tagline: A love story about two people who hate each other. 200 years in the future.

Starring: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton
Length: 89 minutes

5. Awakenings (1990)
Tagline: There is no such thing as a simple miracle.

Starring: Robert De Niro, Robin Williams
Length: 121 minutes

6. Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Tagline: Awaken to a World of Wonders!

Length: 75 minutes

7. The Big Sleep (1946/1978)
Tagline: Some days business is good -- and some days it's murder! (1946) & The type of man she hated ... was the type she wanted! (1978)

Starring: Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall (1946); Robert Mitchum and Jimmy Stewart (1978)
Length: 114 minutes (1946); 99 minutes (1978)

8. Somewhere in Dreamland (1936)

Length: 9 minutes

9. Chasing Sleep (2000)
Tagline: The nightmare begins when you open your eyes...

Starring: Jeff Daniels
Length: 104 minutes

10. Sleepers (1996)
Tagline: When friendship runs deeper than blood.

Starring: Kevin Bacon, Robert De Niro, Minnie Driver, Dustin Hoffman, Brad Pitt
Length: 147 minutes

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Get Some Sleep...Succeed in Business

An interesting piece by Cathie Anderson in yesterday's Sacramento Bee.  At Perspectives 2012 last week, Anderson writes that media mogul Ariana Huffington told business leaders that if they want to succeed in business they need to get more sleep.  Sounds paradoxical, until you think about  research that directly links lack of sleep to health problems like weight gain, early diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other problems.

She also quotes Amer Khan, M.D., a neurologist who specializes in sleep medicine, as saying that the average American gets 6 1/2 hours of sleep every night, which is significantly less than in the early 1900s when the average was 9 hours per night. Dr. Khan's blog where he writes about sleep in a personal and practical way can be found here.

The problem with not getting enough sleep, as I can well attest from personal experience, is that it makes it harder to concentrate, harder to make decisions, and generally makes you crabby.  It also makes you more prone to stress, which can lead to the myriad of health problems just noted.

One of the best ways I know of to ensure a good night's sleep is to block out all sound and light, which for me means wearing a sleep mask and ear plugs.  There are many choices when it comes to sleep masks but the two I like best are the eye shades mask and the 40 blinks foam mask, both made by Seattle based Bucky.  The eye shades mask includes a pair of ear plugs.

So until next time, sweet dreams!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yet Another Reason Not to Smoke

Now there is yet another reason to quit smoking, or be grateful that you never started or have successfully quit. A new study suggests that smokers may get fewer hours of sleep and have a less restful slumber than non-smokers.

The findings cannot prove that smoking directly impairs sleep given that many smokers may have other habits that could affect their sleep, like staying up late watching TV.  But the stimulating effects of nicotine could play a big part in smokers' sleep difficulties.

Poor sleep has also been linked to other health problems, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  I wrote another post on this topic, Lack of Sleep May Make you Fat, a while back.

You can read more about this interesting study here


Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Litttle Black Bucky Blinks

Bucky 40 blinks eye masks in all of the colors and patterns they come in
Bucky Blinks in Color

One of my customers recently asked what colors he could order the Bucky blinks mask in, and when I told him black he said that was perfect.  But it got me thinking about whether I should be carrying this sleep mask in the multitude of other colors and patterns that it comes in.  I have carried other colors in the past, notably the fuchsia and turquoise blue.  They eventually sell but never at the near breakneck speed at which the basic black Blinks do.
Maybe it's like the Little Black Dress.  Audrey Hepburn made this dress a fashion statement for all time.  And I know I'm not alone when I feel an almost gravitational pull toward a classic, stylish black dress when I'm shopping (despite the fact that I probably own 5 of them already). 
The Bucky blinks mask is like that, it's simple, well designed, functional, and yes it's even stylish particularly when it's in black.  And that's probably why it sells so much faster than its more colorful counterparts.
I think I'll stick with the sleep mask equivalent of the Little Black Dress!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Control Your Dreams with a New Sleep Mask

Here's an unusual story, to say the least, about a sleep mask that helps you control your dreams.  It's a simple device that might enable lucid dreaming.  Lucid dreaming is when you become conscious while in a dream state; that is, you're in a dream but you know you're in a dream. 

Lucid dreaming is not easy to master, and there are a great deal of tools out there -- books, websites, forums and specialized classes to name a few -- to help you do that.  The goal with the Remee mask is to make achieving the state of consciousnesss or awareness easier.  It costs around $100.00

You can read more about this interesing topic here and here.

But if you just want a plain and simple sleep mask you can get one here or here.  These are also a fraction of the price of the Remee mask.

Monday, June 11, 2012

White on White

There is something so incredibly relaxing to me about white, different shades of white, or tone on tone, or just plain old white on white.  White is the color of clouds, wedding dresses, cotton balls, sugar, kitchen cabinets, foam on ocean waves, milk, crisp summer linens, cotton bed sheets.  It is crisp, clean, pure, natural, and classic among many other things.

I am continually drawn to shades of white especially in my bedroom because it is so relaxing, peaceful and serene.  This photo makes me want to crawl into bed and take a very long nap. I can almost feel the breeze floating in from the open window. 

All that's left to do is slip on a nice comfy sleep mask and you will be dreaming in no time flat!!

Have fun creating your own personal sleep sanctuary to get the rest and rejuvenation you need and deserve. 


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bucky Blinks are #1

Black Bucky blinks sleep mask

Bucky's lightweight foam Blinks Sleep Mask was recently rated #1 by Good Housekeeping. Bucky Blinks mask earned the highest score for its contoured shape, which lets the wearer blink comfortably, and its adjustable velcro strap.

Blocking out light and noise is essential for a good night's sleep.  So Good Housekeeping also rated contoured masks and pillow type masks with soft padded lining as top of the line products that will get you counting sheep in no time.

Sleep masks are 100% responsible for me getting a great night's sleep which I now do every single night.  I just lay my head on the pillow, slip my sleep mask over my head, and I'm asleep in no time flat!!